Aerial Photography – Alan Cradick
To protect and improve the water quality of the Cape Fear River Basin for all people through education, advocacy and action.
Tell DEQ – No Chemours Expansion
DEQ did NOT have to ask for public comments BEFORE the public comment period opened on Chemours’ Air permit request to EXPAND PFAs manufacturing at the Fayetteville works site, But they asked for them.
They need to hear from you | We have made it easy | Click here to send your email today!!
Our Team supports & protects
our clean water.
…they also take great photos
From The Riverkeeper
We need your energy, your intellect and your wisdom, your creativity, and your diversity of background. We need you to take a stand for clean water.
Kemp Burdette
Upcoming Events
With your help, Clean Water is possible.

Cape Fear River Watch | 617 Surry Street | Wilmington, NC 28401 | Phone: 910.762.5606