
Friendly Businesses

Become a River Friendly Business!

Communicate to your customers that your business values and supports the Cape Fear River Watch and enjoy the mutual support of our followers. Our River Friendly Businesses are investing in a healthy and vibrant Cape Fear for all by supporting our advocacy, educational, and action-oriented efforts to protect and improve the water quality of our basin. 

Become a River Friendly Business by clicking the button below and choosing the “River Friendly Business” membership option. The minimum suggested donation to become a River Friendly Business is $350. In return, we will promote you! Email your logo and website link after you join! We will add those right here on this page. During your one-year membership period, we will also promote your business once on our Instagram (reach of 6.5k+), once on our Facebook (reach of 10k+) and once on our eNewsletter (sent to 5k+).

To all of our River Friendly Businesses, welcome to the Cape Fear River Watch family. We appreciate each of you immensely!


Thank You to Our River Friendly Businesses


Logo of Wilmington Marine Center, a customer-friendly business, featuring a blue circle with a white anchor in the center, surrounded by stars and the name in gold.
Logo of Greg Jones Law featuring white text on a blue background, enclosed in a white border, symbolizing community support.
Logo of "east west partners" in lowercase blue letters, styled in a simple, modern font, representing local businesses.
Logo of "east west partners" in lowercase blue letters, styled in a simple, modern font, representing local businesses.
Logo of "east west partners" in lowercase blue letters, styled in a simple, modern font, representing local businesses.
Logo of coastal Carolina network supporting local businesses, featuring stylized black reeds against a yellow background with black text.
With your help, Clean Water is possible.

Cape Fear River Watch  |  617 Surry Street  |  Wilmington, NC 28401  |  Phone: 910.762.5606