Fishery Restoration
Over the last 100 years,
populations of many native migratory fish populations in the Cape Fear River (striped bass, shad, river herring, Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon) have declined by as much as 90%. Much of this decline can be attributed to the loss of spawning habitat caused by the construction of three lock and dam structures between Wilmington and Fayetteville in the early 20th century.
![Pages from EA_Fish_passage_Cape Fear R._Mar '10 .pdf](
While these locks and dams make the river navigable for more than 100 miles and impound drinking water, their design is not fish-friendly.
CFRW is a leading voice in the efforts to retrofit these dams with rock arch rapids on the downstream face of each dam to allow migratory fish access to their historical spawning grounds.
More ACTION items
Rock Arch Rapids
With support frpm Cape Fear River Watch, the Cape Fear River Partnership, the Army Corps of Engineers, and numerous other partners, the Rock Arch Rapids at Lock and Dam 1 was completed in 2012, and that year, migratory fish were able to swim ‘over’ the dam for the first time in more than 100 years!
Monitoring data led to a modification project that we believe will allow even more fish to make it upstream. Modifications were completed in late 2021.
CFRW will continue to work with our partners to ensure that fish are able swim over Locks and Dams #2 and #3 as well.
Check out the newly renovated Rock Arch Rapids! These renovations will be essential in helping sturgeon, stripers, and other anadromous fish make their way upstream to reach their historic spawning grounds – a huge step in restoring the Cape Fear fishery!
2022 Presentation Summarizing both Fish Passage Projects at Lock & Dam 1
Click the first image to view the full slideshow
![L & D 1 Fish Passage - 2021_Page_10](
What’s Happening Now?
Cape Fear River Watch partnered with NOAA to help determine the benefits to fisherfolks in our region if fish populations increase due to things like water quality improvements and enabling fish to reach past Lock and Dam 1 – up through Lock & Dam 3 to their historic spawning grounds. For information on this survey, click here.
For the latest on plans for fish passages at Locks & Dams 2 and 3 – visit the Cape Fear River Partnership website
Cape Fear River Watch | 617 Surry Street | Wilmington, NC 28401 | Phone: 910.762.5606