Register here!! Event invitation poster for Cape Fear River Watch's 30th anniversary on May 31, 2024, featuring live music, speakers, and drinks, set against a backdrop of river-inspired interior design *If this price is burdensome we still want you there! Please still register, hit $25 and then "pay later". After, please reach out to […]
Join us Saturday June 1st at 617 Surry St for our June First Saturday Seminar! Free pancakes and coffee at 8 am and seminar at 9 am. 🌿 Title: Ghost forests of Smith Creek: insights from tree rings and sediment cores 🌿 Speaker: Dr. Monica T. Rother Co-authors: Kendra Devereux (MS) and Andrea Hawkes (PhD) […]
Register here Cape Fear River Watch is excited to partner with Keep New Hanover Beautiful for our Second Saturday Cleanup on June 8th! The cleanup will take place in the Smith Creek Watershed. We will be cleaning up along McRae St. and the surrounding creeks. The cleanup will take place from 9am-11am. Parking can be […]
June is our nonprofit partner month with Wrightsville Beach Brewery! Proceeds from a certain beer will go to CFRW and $1 per beer will go to CFRW on the 13th. Come see us at our table from 5-7pm, and WBB also has live music that night curtesy of RetroMic from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Register Here CFRW's June 2024 paddle! Join us as we explore the Cape Fear River Basin by boat! Our June paddle will be hosted by our dear friend Angela Caldwell Marshall, founder and owner of Kayak Carolina. This month we will put in and take out at River Road Park for this out and back paddle. Meet at River […]