Register here! Following the success of our Inaugural State of the River Forum in 2022, we are thrilled to announce our 2nd Annual State of the River Forum! We will host regional experts to share insight on issues affecting the Cape Fear River basin. This is a huge networking opportunity for folks who care about […]
   Cape Fear River Watch is excited to partner with Keep New Hanover Beautiful for our Second Saturday Cleanup on June 10th! The cleanup will take place in an area that flows into Greenfield Lake! We will be focusing our efforts on the railroad tracks that run behind the Good Shepherd Center. There […]
ALL CFRW BOATS HAVE BEEN CLAIMED FOR THIS PADDLE. Register here! Join us as we continue to explore the Cape Fear River by boat! This month we will be paddling around Keg Island and Shark's Tooth Island. This will be an out and back paddle so there will be no shuttle. We will be departing […]
Join us for a Greenfield Lake Walking Eco Tour!  Join us for a leisurely, 1-hour walking eco-tour of Greenfield Lake. Greenfield Lake is a cypress dome ecosystem in the heart of Wilmington. You will learn about the flora and fauna, environmental impacts, and best management practices of Greenfield Lake while your guide identifies plants and animals along the […]