Call us at the office at 910-762-5606
or reach our team by email:
To report a water quality emergency, or for questions about CFRW advocacy, Greenfield Lake, or to schedule a talk with Cape Fear RIVERKEEPER®, Kemp Burdette, contact Kemp at: kemp@cfrw.us
For questions about Creekwatchers, Cleanups, & Water Quality contact Rob Clark at rob@cfrw.us
For questions about Outreach, Membership and Communications, contact Hannah Nystrom at hannah@cfrw.us
For questions about educational programs, tours, or school field trips, contact Hannah Nystrom at hannah@cfrw.us
For questions about Burnt Mill Creek, contact Savannah Lytle at savannah@cfrw.us
For all other questions, contact Dana Sargent at dana@cfrw.us
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Cape Fear River Watch | 617 Surry Street | Wilmington, NC 28401 | Phone: 910.762.5606